User talk:GameGear360

MuseWiki, wiki for the band Muse
Revision as of 12:54, 19 November 2015 by FaithHealer1 (talk | contribs) (→‎Mexico page fan reaction: new section)
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I've analyzed it and seen the video and I think its the following: New Born, Uno, /, Muscle Museum, Sober, /, Escape, Fillip, Unintended, /, Showbiz. Still need 3 songs though. KeTeVemCovers 12:40, 18 October 2014 (GMT+02:00)

About the video section

Nepomuse: Hi there! I was thinking about what U said, about the videos. I think that it's a good idea. Normally we usually put the link of the videos in the pages about the gigs. It will be usefull counting that some of the performances doesn't have a page, like Bliss at Top Of the Pops. It will take a lot of time, but hopefully will worth it, also, it could be more easily to find the videos that you want only by searching the year, also it can be usefull if someone wants to know their early performances.Nepomuse (talk) 23:15, 19 December 2014 (UTC−06:00)

Thanks for the feedback! I agree, I think it would be interesting to compare early versions of songs to later versions, especially ones that were vastly different in their early forms. GameGear360 (talk) 22:18, 20 December 2014 (GMT)

The idea about the gallery-live video section is brilliant actually, it would be really helpful to both old and new users of this page, and visitors aswell. It would definitely be easier to navigate through the page. I like it! KeTeVemCovers (talk) 12:40, 21 December 2014 (GMT+02:00)

Live section

Yes, I'm gonna help U, It will take a lot of time but Oh well.... I'll add a category for "Number of Times Played" in the section of "Songs" Nepomuse (talk) 15:46, 20 May 2015 (UTC−06:00)

Thanks, I appreciate it! The only major issues will be the ones played over 600 times (Plug in Baby will be the most annoying). Again, thank you! GameGear360 (talk) 23:12, 20 May 2015 (BST)

Definitely should be used, its an interesting add on, and quite helpful. Probably just keep the first nav box though. I think its enough if you know how many times the song has been played, and then you can redirect to the detailed live page for the song. But yes, it is good! KeTeVemCovers (talk) 00:07, 21 May 2015 (GMT+02:00)

I appreciate the comments, especially on how it could be improved. I agree completely that perhaps the section nav should be off of the main page too, perhaps it would serve more of a purpose on the bottom of the live page? Thanks again! GameGear360 (talk) 23:12, 20 May 2015 (BST)

More Live Section

Hey! I created a page in where we can see the ones that we are missing... Number of Live Performances In here all the songs are listed by year and by album... By live performances... I'll be helping you later in the gigs Nepomuse (talk) 11:02, 21 May 2015 (UTC−06:00)

Haha! Yes! that's what I'm doing.. changin' it all to (live) but I used the song list as a base Nepomuse (talk) 11:09, 21 May 2015 (UTC−06:00)
Update: I've finished
Double Update: Oh! Hahaha! Sorry for the errors, I missed that ones, I was having Breakfast, so.. I didn't that ones.. I was more focused in other things.

Istanbul setlist

Is there a source for the Istanbul setlist? I noticed that it's on before, but wasn't sure where it's coming from. --Muserwiki (talk) 18:09, 16 June 2015 (BST)

Blues Jam

I consider the little bit before Agitated played at Melbourne ABC Studios 2000 (gig) to be more of a Hyper Music precursor (drop D, even closer to actual riff), and this came before either Eurocks or Bizarre Festival. It's possible it went into the Blues Jam form with added jazzy and blues bits then came back, but it sounds like they had it down in March. It's all related but just matter of conventions I guess haha. --Muserwiki (talk) 13:35, 1 July 2015 (BST)

Missing gigs


Found this on Muse France that might interess you : (full image : )

It's nice to see some of the setlists that I found (like the 08/07/99 100 Club one) put to good use. Thanks for showing me this! If you have any contact with them, send them a link to this page in which I list every setlist currently unknown so that hopefully we can find them shortly.
Thanks again, and have a great day. GameGear360 (talk) 16:20, 28 August 2015 (BST)
It seems they/he has a twitter account :
As I don't have an account, you may join them. Keep it up for this work. It's very interesting.

Mexico page fan reaction

Hi there,

Just wanted to clarify things on that page. I deleted what you wrote because, as I stated at the time, I found it unsourced, uncited, one-sided and a bit of a rant. I'm afraid I still do. It's wrong to claim that what you wrote was the overall opinion of Muse's fan base. There's no way to adequately gauge fan reaction, and those ranting on the forums who weren't t the gig aren't representative of the 10,000+ who were actually in the venue and saw the show. It's also wrong to say that a poor setlist = a bad show: there was no 'fan reaction' to the 360 stage, the theatrical elements, or the band's actual performance.

'Information' (as I call it out of courtesy) like that does not appear on any other gig pages, because it's completely subjective. You say fans didn't like it, but I've seen comments on Facebook saying:

" Incredible Show!!! (as usual), Thanks for playing "The Globalist"!!! Epic Moment! I hope this night will be as good as last night!!! Or even better!!! See you tonight, and on Friday night too!!!! "

"I was there enjoing your music to the infinite. Fantastic concert! Thank you guys!"

"Everything in the show of Muse it was very fantastic. I hope they can be in Mexico once again. We love your music Muse"

" I was there and ir was freaking awesome"

" It was the best thing I have ever done before, I can say that was the best day of my life. Hope you come soon. Love you all.". (sic all)

But, I'm not going to edit the page to say "it was the best-received show Muse has ever performed", because I know that what I've just done is selective information gathering to prove a point. Unless something particularly notable happens, like the band actually get booed, that sort of information rightly does not appear on any other pages: it is too subjective and cannot be measured accurately enough to be stated as fact.

I want to clarify that I actually agree with the position that the setlist was relatively poor (and to see Bellamy, one of the finest guitarists of his generation, not playing guitar is a particular irritation to me), but to say "some fans didn't like it" means nothing - the vast, vast majority of those fans weren't actually there, and as such aren't in a position to adequately judge the quality of the show. Looking at a setlist and a couple of youtube videos, and experiencing it in person are two very different things.

The big thing I objected to was your "bad omen" thing - you simply can't post conjecture like that based on a solitary concert you probably weren't at. Is it not possible that Muse wanted to break themselves in easily on the first few shows, playing songs that are more practiced and familiar to them? Is it not possible that the Mexican crowd, not being a long-running Muse heartland like the UK, France or Japan, would as a whole appreciate Futurism and Uno less than countries with more long-running fan bases? You just can't say "the whole tour is likely to be rubbish" based purely on one less-than-hugely-exciting set list.

I didn't attack you personally, I wasn't profane and I didn't question your authority to post at all on here: all things that you, sadly, felt the need to do to me. I'm not too fussed about that, I just wanted to clarify that I was keeping my own personal opinion out of things and trying to ensure the factual accuracy of the page. I apologise if I offended at all, it was not my intention.

JM FaithHealer1 (talk) 11:54, 19 November 2015 (GMT)