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Revision as of 14:28, 17 September 2009 by JRDN (talk | contribs)
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JRDN <3 s MUSE! :)

Hey I'm JRDN, from Australia, as u can see I loooooove MUSE! They are like the bestest band everer! :P

Limited Edition Box Set - My Say!

I was looking forward to the Box Set sooooo much for like a whole month ever since I got the email that was like

O omg u have to buy it because your and awesome MUSE fan! So like any good MUSE fan, I pre-ordered mine...

Week after week I received my bonus content, which were like the coolest videos ever :) Then as the weeks turned into days i was checking the mail even before the September the 14th!

Then on Tuesday September 15th I checked my emails as i do most nights, and I see I've got an email from some R****a C*****e lady, thinking, oh who's this n00b spammer wanting to sell me some shiz, then i read the subject box and what do I see???? "Corrective action: Muse Preo" The end is but off by my mail box And at the present moment my net is suuuuuper shaped so I'm like >_> ... <_< ... :O :O :O :O WWWWWWHHHHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTT! HURRY HURRY STUPID INTERNET!!!!

So after minutes that felt like hours of loading I finally read the email, and as I read it my heart sank into my stomach and I can be manly enough to say that I nearly cried, but instead I smashed my keyboard a few too many times... then found out that there was phone numbers which I could spam call to my hearts desire... which I did until I figured that they weren't picking up because it was outside office hours.

I rang the next day, and they confirmed that all I would be receiving from Mammoth Merchandise was a $119.50 refund, no compensation for the months of waiting, and the heart sinking or my nearly crying... Just a refund :(

To make matters only worse, I had been receiving the JTR Bonus content and emails for weeeeks, and 3 days before I SHOULD have received my Box Set, I did receive an email telling me that it would be at my house by the 16th of September... WHICH BY THE WAY MAMMOTH MERCHANDISE, WAS YESTERDAY!!!

So I'd just like to personally thank Mammoth Merchandise for being the worse merchandising company in terms of organisation and Collaboration with the dispatching company, in this case Warner, who I blame, maybe equally, maybe less, I've not yet decided which side I'm on for that one.. but I think you guys should both get your acts together so next time you can inform your PAYING CUSTOMERS A LITTLE EARLIER THAN THE DAY OF EXPECTED ARRIVAL!!!

If u have thoughts on the issue don't be afraid to edit the section underneath! :)

Your Say on the Australian Box Set Issue!