Sweet Muse-ic in America (1999 article)

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An article printed before Showbiz was released. Presumably from a Devon newspaper, either in 1998 or 1999.

Sweet Muse-ic in America...

Major labels are battling to win the signature of Teignmouth three-piece Muse. The band, who signed a management deal with Sawmills Studio owner Dennis Smith early this year, have been playing showcase gigs over in America.
And Dennis called tdb from Los Angeles, and said: "We have now got a bidding war going on.
"We just showcased for a label in LA and we got through the second number and the guy said he didn't need to hear anymore.
"The boys have now flown back over to England, but I'm staying over here to sort a few things out.
"I have always believed it would happen for the boys, but you never know in this industry. Now it looks almost definite.
"One of the labels was saying he believed Muse could turn out to be the next U2."
Muse started out life as The Rocket Baby Dolls and most of their early gigs were in battle of the bands competitions. Recently they have played the Cavern in Exeter and The Shed in Exmouth, which could be one of their last small gigs before they hit the big time. They released their first single, Cave, earlier this year, and have recently been in the Sawmills Studio working on a follow-up.

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