Zepp Tokyo 2001-07 (gig)

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Zepp, Tokyo, 2001
Zepp, Tokyo, 2001
Bellamy singing on stage
Bellamy on stage
Muse show
Venue Zepp Tokyo[source?]
Date 15th July 2001[source?]
Location Tokyo[source?]
Country Japan
Songs 16[source?]
Support Unknown
Start (UTC+9) Unknown
Capacity Unknown
Price Unknown
Sold out? Unknown


This is the last known performance of Hate This and I'll Love You.

In an interview with Viva Zwei's 2 Rock at Haldern Festival in Germany just a month after this gig, Matt cited this gig as possibly the best Muse had ever done.[1]

The Show

A notable performance of Hyper Music as three out of the four A4’s in the verses are sung in full voice like in the studio version, as apposed to being sung in falsetto. This was a very rare occurrence for performances of Hyper Music during this era.


Several videos are available on the unofficial "Japan Premier Gigs" DVD which can be found on MuseBootlegs here.

You can also find an audio recording of the full gig in lossless (FLAC) format on MuseBootlegs here or here.

A low quality recording of the entire gig can viewed in full on YouTube here.


See also

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