User talk:Martino

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Revision as of 11:43, 10 October 2010 by Martino (talk | contribs)
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Hello, I just wanted to ask you something regarding your coment on the Moltrasio talk page. How do you know Matt didn't lived in Villa Passalacqua, on their website they have a section stating that Vincenzo Bellini lived there, and Matt once said that he lives in the house of an ancient composer called Vincenzo Bellini.

I asked in the town pub, if you are near moltrasio i can show a few things (the location of a dom pic, clearly inside a garden of the villa showed me by the barman) P.S. Bellini lived in different villas in moltrasio--Martino 11:43, 10 October 2010 (BST)