Muse Review This Week's Singles (200006 Melody Maker article)

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This transcription may be inaccurate as we have not seen an original copy.

Muse review this weeks singles

Single of the week: Grandaddy The Crystal Lake
Matt: F***ing brilliant. This is definitely the best thing we've heard so far.
Dominic: It sounded a bit like Weezer. I think this is really good.
M: And it's got brilliant singing there. Brilliant lyrics. They're the kind of band we'd like to go on tour with - maybe in America. It reminds me of Air and Daft Punk, which is the kind of stuff I'd like to get into a bit more.

4.5 stars

The Dandy Warhols: Get Off
D: I thought that was good. It's kind of like folk music but really dark. That folky thing's going to come back.
Chris: It's sort of like the Levellers, isn't it? In a good may! Cos The Levellers aren't cool, but The Dandy Warhols are.
M: I don't know much of their stuff, that's actually the first time I've really listened to them.

4 stars

Babybird: Out Of Sight
C: His lyrics are really bad and his voice is really bad.
M: I like it. It's about having a daughter and not wanting her to be out of your sight, because you get jealous and weird when she goes off with other boys. I think that's a good subject. But I'd never buy that and I'd never recommend it.
D: I think it's a pretty good song, but I think they're a bad band.

2.5 stars

Maxim feat. Skin:Carmen Queasy
D: That's really dark. I just love Skin's voice. Skunk Anansie are nice people and a really good band.
M: I'm sure it's just in the world of the press where they get slagged off.
C: They're great. This is pretty good.

4 stars

Emiliana Torrini: Easy
D: I've heard this before, I think, a long time ago. It was just an early demo, but it sounded really good then.
M: It reminds me of some of the good stuff from the last decade, like Portishead. So I think it may be a bit out of date, but it's very good.

3 stars

Clearlake: Don't Let The Cold In
M: I think Coldplay may have taken the air out of anything Clearlake can do. It sounded like a cross between Radiohead and Jeff Buckley.
C: Yeah - they're just a little bit late with that one, really.

3 stars

Rachel Stamp: Hey Hey Michael, You're Really Fantastic
D: Nah, it wasn't very glam was it? It was just a big din.
M: It only works if you can see them. You've got to hold the picture up in front of you when you listen to it. When you're looking at the cover and listening to it, it works. It reminds me of Kiss. In a good way.

3 stars

Jacknife Lee: Aloha Satellite Special
D: I thought it was pretty good, but it sounds identical to Beck. Which is a shame. He used to be in Compulsion.
M: I've grabbed his foot! I was at the front of a Compulsion gig and I just grabbed his foot in desperation to be close to someone semi-famous.
D: Didn't he spit on you? They were like a real punk band, weren't they?
M: Well, respect to him for that, because I did grab his foot.

3.5 stars

Quinn: The Next Time
M: Who's this? I think I know who Quinn is. I've got a weird feeling about them. I'm just not going to make any comment. That's the safest approach.
C: I thought it was a bit mediocre. It didn't do very much for me.
D: It was OK. Very middle of the road, but it had a good groove.
M: I'm sure I know who this person is. No, I can't say! Have you got enough comments from Dominic and Chris about it? I don't think you want any comment from me.

2 stars

Seafood: Led By Bison
M: I think the song should have started at two minutes and eight seconds. Because from then on it's very good. But before that it was crap. It didn't have enough contrast. I like a little bit of light and shade in my music, you see. The last bit was like a completely different song, though - it sounded really good then.
D: I liked it. Chilled out towards the end - it got much better.
C: I'd like to see them play live. This song has got a lo-fi sort of quality, there's a Pavement and dEUS thing going on with this lot.

3.5 stars

Doves: Catch The Sun
D: I think that was a little bit middle of the road.
M: If you listen to the Grandaddy song, it's actually a similar sort of thing, a similar vibe, but Grandaddy do it so much better.
C: We've heard it all before.

2.5 stars

The Dumper: Kick Angel Misunderstood
D: That's absolutely brilliant. That's single of the week! You can tell just by looking at the cover.
M: _What?!_ You're into that? You poof!
D: They'll do well! They've got good voices, it's pop. They're not a patch on Destiny's Child, though.
M: It's difficult, because you're dealing with people's souls here, and we don't want to insult them.
D: It's pretty sad, really.
M: A minute ago you said it was brilliant!
D: I've changed my mind.

1 star

See also

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